Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 22

I am wanting to throw in the towel- I have not lost anymore weight in 22 days I have lost 5lbs- then 4 then 3 then 4 ....up n down ... I wish I could say - Add all the number together and that is my total weight loss but I can't. I have been eating great. I have cut out flour and processed foods 97%. ( I ate a piece of pizza and some dressing off the salad bar when we went out for supper Saturday) I have a hard time with giving up sugar. I did make some black bean brownies with very lil sugar in them. I did eat a cinn roll.... all in all this is the best that I have eaten in a long time. I can tell in my face as well that I am thining out... I know things don't happen over night- that is what I have to tell myself- but when I eat less and a LOT better and don't lose weight- arg

I am happy to say that I have lost 2 inches of my waist which I am happy about- but the weight thing when does it keep into shape. I have been working out but I wouldn't say that I have put on that much muscle yet---- What oh What do I do.

I can't give up- I must hang in there. You don't know how hard it is to do this diet when everyone else around you is eating things you wish you could and want to eat. Pastor Matt..... I can do this .... I just am stuck.... ahhhhhhhh

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 15

Sorry! I have been a bit busy with the things that come up in life. Life has been a bit crazy and I ask myself why am I here? Why do I do this? What does God have for me- what plans. I need to slow down and listen to Gods calm voice. I am sometime so caught up in myself and how I can do things. I can do all things through Christ who give me strength!!!!

Yesterday wasn't a good day at all. I had some sugar- I was having a bad day and wanted something sweet- I did eat it and didn't feel good about what I had done and my stomach was hurting for doing it. Never give up on God!! I did a workout lastnight and it was good. I woke up a bit sore this am- I know it worked :)

Today, I am doing good. I have not got much done today- My daughter is home with me and we have been busy doing things. I have to finish my bedroom- picking up all my scrapbooking junk- lol. Money is a bit tight and I have bible study tonight- We meet in Eau Claire and that is 60 miles round trip. I am not sure if I should go- don't have the money to go ... God will tell me what to do. It is the last chapter of our book and being with Christin Friends is what I need right now.

I have been thinking about Jobs- I would like to get in the schools to keep in with my kids have the same days as them. Well, I had a babysitting job all lined up and now that has fallen out from under me and I have bill that need to be paid- arg- - - - GOD IS GOOD!! this makes me want to eat JUNK!

God- thank you for all that you have done and all that you are going to do!!!!

Have a great day!

PS- I have lost 5 lbs- forgot to weigh this am- will have to do it tomorrow!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 8
I think to myself- I am not sure why I wrtie this- I am not sure that anyone is reading this? but just incase.....

Today, one week later, I have lost 2.5 lbs and one inch off my waist line. I did the happy dance :)

I don't feel the best today- I am sticking with the diet and doing well. I need to go the store and get more foods that I can eat. How long can one person eat eggs for breakfast?

I have to make a bunch of cookies today for a cookie order- I am going to have a hard time- not so much the cookie dough but I love a warm cookie right out of the oven..... mmmmm good!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 7

Well, I am happy to report that after weighing myself this am I have lost a total of 2.5 lbs. I did a happy dance. I have a long way to go...loooooong way to go, but this is a start. I was so happy after seeing that- I have had a hard time with all the "good foods" (not so good foods) that is out there and in my own house---ahhhhh....there is chocolate every where! I went to the movies and made it with out popcorn- it also helps that it costs like 5.00 for a small. We were invited over to a friends house to have lunch and they had roast, potatoes and all the good for ya food- and all I could have was some pork roast. I have been living on Chicken and beans.

Pastor Matt gave me a no list of "NOs" one was no Sugar in anything!! There is SUGAR in milk, cottage cheese and so on. No popcorn - I knew that :( and only ONE fruit a day. Bananas were my dessert..... oh - the things we do to lose weight- and to be healthy! "Healthy and Happy" New Year- Right!?

Well, I hope that you are having a great day!
Thank you God for sticking by me :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 4 "Diet 2010"

an end to day 3.... I was asked out to eat with some friends. I did go and I had a taco salad with out the shell or chips with water. Thursday was a great day over all but the sweet thing--- oh my
Day 4
I had 2 eggs for breakfast this am. For lunch I had some taco soup with 1 0z of cheese. I am making cupcakes for an order and oh my they are looking good and smell even better. I did taste the batter- you know I had to do that :) I still want to have some sugar but I think that is leaving- I hope it does.

I need to get some exercise going in my day- I have found that to be the hard part.... I need to get up and get moving. It is hard for me to do so in the winter- if I don't have someone to do it with me. I am going to start getting back to Zumba classes.

I have had to get up in the night/early morning to go to the bathroom---all that water well- you know.....
I will weigh myself again tomorrow and I hope that I have lost more weight.

GOD please help me know what to eat and not to eat. Help me help myself and make a Life style change that will stick with me. I need to put myself first- but it is sooo hard when you have a family that needs you.

Oh well!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 3 Diet "2010"

Day 3
I weighed this am and I have lost 1.2 lbs. I hope I can keep this rate up- that would be great!!!
Today I am having a hard time today- I want something sweet.... real bad!!
For breakfast I had a banana and a hard boiled egg
For Lunch I had chicken with some cheese and a hard boiled egg and I am started on my 2nd quart.

I just want to eat eat eat and eat something that is sooo wrong for me. ahhhhh- sugar-

I need to work out tonight....

Supper I am making soup

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 2 "Diet 2010"

I made it through day one!! :) I drank 2 of the 3 quarts of water, (Water is hard for me to drink just to drink) stuck to the foods I could eat, ate lots of raw veggies, stayed away from sugar, and I am alive and working on day 2. Only 58 more days.

This am for breakfast I ate a banana; 1 point, a hard boiled; egg 2 points and working on my water. Not sure what is for snack/lunch at 11:30... maybe some chicken and beans... something that fills me up and lasts. I have to eat every 2/3 hours and I think that helps control my hunger and drinking all that water- well, it fills me up and keeps me moving- with many trips to the bathroom. lol

I am thanking God for the strength he has given me thus far. It is hard for me to give up a sweet treat after a meal....and NO coffee... Oh, such as life! I will live and be thin and fit doing it.

I will try to weigh every other day. I hope that I can lose one lb when I weigh in tomorrow. Walking tonight in the cold...brrr . Does walking in the cold burn more cals?

Have a great day
remember- With GOD all things are possible

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Windows Live Hotmail

Windows Live Hotmail: "Today starts a 'new diet'. I found out over the Christmas break that on my mothres side of the family.... there is High Blood Pressure and heart disease ontop of Thyroid and diabetes that I already knew about. So 'Diet' means something different to me this year. I pray that God helps me through this. I have to lose weight and get in shape. I would like to lose 35 lbs- which I had lost once before and was keeping the weight off.... until this past summer. Why is it so hard to do something that you know is right?I pray that God gives me strength. I will need to turn this over to God.....let go of food and lazyness!!I will try to keep a daily blog to keep me real with myself. I have to weigh this am and measure myself- I don't want to do that. I don't want to see how I let myself go. Oh the joys of life.....HERE I GO"